This year is the year of the Red Fire Monkey! Strap in, it's going to be a fast and furious year!

Monkeys are creative, fun and have shining and vibrant energy! They possess strong leadership skills, are rarely embarrassed by anything, are intelligent, intuitive and fearlessly expresses themselves in ever aspect of life!

The influence of the red fire monkey this year will put everything in a flux. Positive and negative energies will culminate. Goals will be accomplished but largely through individual or personal efforts. 

Monkeys are exuberant and bring about a fast pace and high
 motivation within themselves and those around them. The monkey will bring about humor, wit and an increase in communication therefore, helping all around them get through stressful times more easily and gracefully. Due to the monkey's ability to problem solve by unconventional methods, business flourishes and risks tend to pan out. 

As monkeys are so full of energy and movement, it's a good time to embrace that energy throughout this Chinese New Year, February 8th, 2016 to January 27, 2017. Begin an exercise program, gain control of your diet, tackle those pressing health issues, take business risks, drive hard for all your goals, especially the personal ones. The momentum of the year and all monkeys as well as others stepping it up, will help to carry you through bringing you the best possible life, love, family and business results!

Yes, I am a Monkey! I'm sure that comes as no surprise!

Who else is a Monkey
out there?

Happy Chinese New Year, Monkeys and Everyone!

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