Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used forms of medicine in the world. Originating in China more than 3,000 years ago, acupuncture is currently one of the most thoroughly researched, practiced, and respected forms of complementary medicine available anywhere. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, your overall health is determined by the quality of the Qi (energy) flow through the natural pathways of your body (meridians). Acupuncture uses a variety of techniques, including placing very thin sterile needles into specific points on the body, to stimulate and improve your Qi flow. The many benefits of acupuncture include:
Pain reduction
Stress and tension relief
Increased energy levels
Better digestion
Improved Sexual Health
Greater sense of overall health and well-being
Chinese herbal medicine is a 2,500 year old tradition using naturally occurring substances — including herbs — to enhance one's health and vitality. As opposed to Western medicine, the foundation of this approach is to support the body's natural self-healing mechanisms and abilities.
Since each patient has different needs, I carefully select and combine a variety of herbs that will synergistically blend together to achieve optimal results for your unique situation. I prescribe high-quality, professional-grade herbal medicines that are available only to qualified licensed professionals.
Cupping has been a part of Chinese Medicine for over 2,500 years. It relieves aches and pains, improves circulation, and also helps with respiratory and digestive issues among many other conditions. A specialized "cup" is placed onto specific points on your body, and then suction is used to draw your skin up into the cups. It doesn't hurt — it simply draws fresh blood to that area of your body, which facilitates the cleansing and strengthening of your Qi (energy). The end result is a greater overall sense of health and well-being and pain reduction.
Electroacupuncture is an augmentation of traditional acupuncture that is a highly effective holistic treatment for pain, nausea, and chronic ailments. Using the exact same system of Chinese Medicine, very thin sterile needles are inserted into specific points along the meridians of your body. A TENS unit is then attached to the needles delivering gentle electrical pulses between the two points. This helps restore the healthy flow of Qi (energy) through your body, removing any blockages and clearing out stagnant areas, thus creating a stronger and clearer experience.
Although Gua Sha is an ancient healing technique used by Chinese Medicine practitioners for thousands of years, it is relatively unknown in the West. It is recognized throughout Asia as a highly effective treatment for chronic pain conditions, stress, fatigue, and a host of other ailments.
First, Gua Sha oil is applied to a specific meridian (energy pathway) on your body. Then a smooth, round-edged object (such as a spoon) is used to apply short brisk strokes to the area. This creates red patches of skin (called "Sha"), detoxifying your blood and restoring the healthy flow if Qi (energy) to the area. There is no pain involved, and the Sha will fade in 2 to 3 days. But the sense of health and healing you experience from it will last much longer.
Moxibustion is a Traditional Chinese Medicine technique that involves the burning of moxa made from dried mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing and health. Moxibustion has been used for healing purposes throughout Asia for thousands of years. The purpose of moxibustion, as with most forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine, is to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of Qi (energy), warm and help improve health. It is an especially effective technique in the treatment of various types of arthritis.
Among other benefits, a landmark study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998 found that 75.4% of women suffering from breech presentations before childbirth had fetuses that rotated to the normal position after receiving moxibustion at an acupuncture point on the bladder meridian.
Reiki is a Japanese technique used for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Reiki is not just for physical healing but can help with the whole body, the mind, with spiritual development, with emotional trauma/release and a deeper connection with the bodies energies.
It is a hands on technique that promotes the flow of energy through the body. During a treatment the patient remains fully clothed and the practitioner will use light to no touch at all, with their hands just hovering above the body. A treatment can last 15 to 60 minutes. Patients often feel warm, cold or tingling sensations. It is generally perceived as a relaxing, peaceful and soothing experience.
Some other descriptions of what Reiki is are:
The pulsing electricity of this universe, this solar system, our physical, mental & emotional bodies and this Earth. Similar to a battery charger boosting the electrical system of the body.
Our ability to connect with the rhythmic intelligence of our universe in a more conscious way.
NOT affiliated with any type of religious belief.
Heightens the ability for one human being to connect with another in the deepest of way.
A complimentary technique that will enhance any medical treatment. It does not take the place of Western medicine but is part of the whole.
An immediate healing process for our animals, our homes, our work, our plants, our food.
Energy that heals the healer.
Limitless in use because it is the flow of life energy itself.
In my practice I use therapeutic-grade essential oils to help deepen and enhance your treatment. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years. Well preserved oils where even found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun. Molecularly, they are very small so they quickly penetrate the skin delivering the regenerating, oxygenating and immune strengthening properties of plants.
Essential oils contain molecules of oxygen that help to transport nutrients to the body’s various cells. Essential oils are powerful antioxidants, antibacterials, antifungals, antimicrobials, antivirus, antiparasitic and antiseptic. They detoxify the cells in the body and blood promoting emotional, physical and spiritual healing.
APIT, is the injection of sterile substances such as herbal extracts, homeopathics, vitamins and/or minerals into specific points or sites on the body to prevent and treat disease.
What Can It Treat?
APIT is ideal for chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, fatigue, chronic and latent viral diseases, cold and flu and sports injuries as well as being a way to effectively administer vitamins.
This therapy involves superficial injections into lines and creases of the face with homeopathic substances (most commonly arnica) to gently fill and lift while also, boosting collagen production.
It is a natural way to enhance one's appearance bringing out a more youthful glow by increasing blood flow and encouraging collagen deposits into the face. It can be used as an alternative to artificial fillers.
When combined with acupuncture to vitalize your inner beauty and with a thorough skincare regime, you can achieve optimal beauty inside and out!
Acupuncture can bring symptom relief, facilitate a general sense of well-being, bring about new and interesting ways of understanding the body and help you improve your lifestyle.
My focus is to help you feel comfortable and unashamed while providing an informative treatment strategy for you when dealing with sensitive personal matters.
Gentlemen, your health IS important and it DOES matter! I strive to educate and empower you while providing safe and effective care for the concerns you face!
Along with some of the other common conditions listed on the Welcome page, as a men's health specialist, I focus on treating concerns specific to males such as erectile dysfunction, prostatitis, BPH, male menopause/andropause, prostate cancer, male depression/anxiety and Peyronie's disease as well as other sexual health issues.
I strive to provide a comfortable space without judgment so that we can improve your health and restore your confidence!