Reiki Healing for our furry family members.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese healing art that can be translated as spiritual energy healing. The Speckled Toe Bean utilizes this practice to compassionately and gently support and ease the suffering of animals and their care takers.
Dr. Lisa Lapwing has been a practicing Reiki Master since 2013. She has also been a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture since 2011 which she does for her human counterparts. Through utilizing Reiki for her animals, she quickly realized how beneficial it is to their overall wellness and to assist in their healing when ill conditions arise.
Why Reiki?
Reiki helps our furry family members, as well as ourselves, live more healthy, balanced and relaxed lives. It is a safe and gentle compliment to conventional Western medicine, Chinese medicine, herbal treatment and all forms of wellness. It unifies healing touch and intention to connect to our animals to help bring them to optimal wellness. Dr. Lisa goes into a meditative state so she can compassionately and lovingly support your furry family members healing process be it physical, mental or behavioral.
The Benefits of Reiki for Animals.
One of the largest benefits of Reiki healing for animals is that it can be done from a distance as often, animals are uncomfortable with strangers near to or touching them. Therefore, it can be done anywhere across the globe! A treatment can also be done while Dr. Lisa is sitting in the same room with the animal (here in Central Florida). If the animal being treated in-person chooses to approach for touch, Dr. Lisa is happy to indulge them! Distance or in-person treatments both yield great effects!
Other benefits can include; providing comfort and relaxation, relief of pain, fear and anxiety, accelerating healing following illness or surgery, it strengthens the immune system, it increases bonding and trust between you and your pet as well as promoting overall health and wellness.
How Does Reiki Help?
Reiki is ideal for animals for many reasons. Some of which include; it’s effectiveness on addressing physical, behavioral and emotional problems. It heals the origin or root of the problems, it is noninvasive yet powerful, Reiki always heals on some level, even if an immediate outward result is not noticed and it can heal difficult situations such as stress in the home or the transition from life to death.
Treatments usually last around 20-30 minutes and cost $65 per session. If Dr. Lisa and you believe it is more beneficial to have the treatment take place in the animals home, a travel free will be added on to the regular session fee, distance dependant.
To schedule an appointment to help you and your pet to wellness, please email or call Dr. Lisa at:
Check us out: @the_speckled_toe_bean
Please Note:
Dr. Lisa Lapwing is a Reiki Master Practitioner and provides individualized therapeutic energy therapy to cats and dogs. Your pets will receive gentle and compassionate care based on knowledge gained through experience and courses taken in this and other modalities. Dr. Lisa does not diagnose medical issues, offer medical advice, prescribe drugs or perform surgery.
Her role is that of a facilitator, assisting your pet to achieve and/or maintain a naturally healthy state. Dr. Lisa tailors each session to the animals needs and the specific results of each session will be different for each animal.
Please understand Dr. Lisa is not a veterinarian and that the treatment/therapy to be given is not to be considered veterinary medical treatment and that any comments, suggestions or recommendations offered in the course of treatment are not to be construed as veterinary medical advice. Reiki is not a substitute for veterinary care but rather, a compliment to it.
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