People don't take their prescription drugs. Why don't they?

50% of prescription drugs are taken incorrectly or not at all. 75% of people admit to not taking their drugs at all. People who have very severe health conditions or who have even flirted with death, still don't take their drugs!!

The #1 reason that people don't take their prescription drugs is that there are side-effects that they don't like/make them feel worse. Mind you, acupuncture has NO side-effects & herbs little to none.
Other reasons given for drug non-compliance are:
- They make people feel miserable
- They don't work
- Drugs cause other diseases/problems
- Prescription directions are too complicated
- Insurance issues with coverage of drugs
- Their on too many prescriptions to keep straight
- Proper or thorough directions were not given
- Doctors don't explain the drugs
- Job Loss
- Divorce
- Depression
- They don't like/trust their doctor
- Forgetfulness
- Prescription drugs are too expensive

This is a huge list!!
So what helps people be compliant with not just prescription drugs but herbs & supplements too?
Remarkably, its the information/education people are given regarding what they are taking. The more people understand what their taking, why & how it works for them, the more apt they are to take it & take it correctly.

WHA promises to always walk you through your treatments & any prescriptions you are given or are already taking.Your going to hear all kinds of different things from your friends, family & the internet about medication & supplements. I'm here to help you sort through that mess & dispel myths. I'm always available for questions by phone or email too.
Certain prescriptions & other herbs & supplements can be very important to your overall health. Together we can be sure your getting what you need safely, to be healthy!!
