Sexual Health Foods Breakdown


Sexual Health Foods Breakdown

Happy Fall Everyone!

In this addition of News, Updates & Education from WHA, let's start by breaking down some of the foods listed in a previous newsletter, that are good for men's sexual health, physical body and mind. The full list can be found below, under the entry for June is Men's Health Awareness Month.  Feel free to peruse the other entries for further enlightenment!

I bring up food again at this time because we're heading into the holidays which can crush anyone's healthy eating habits. We'll tackle that subject in itself, another time. For now, remember the healthy things you eat everyday, even if you blow it out by having a whole pizza for lunch, still count! What I also want to mention is that ladies, these foods are incredibly important for your sexual and overall health as well! So please, read on and consume right next to your guy, your Dad, brother or buddy!

Today, let's start with the top ten from the previous list. 

1. Spinach
Beautifully green, leafy and luscious! Spinach contains a lot of appetite-suppressing compounds. It is rich in the minerals magnesium and folate. Magnesium decreases inflammation in the blood vessels which improves overall circulation. Better blood flow increases circulation out to your extremities, this includes the penis and we know, better blood flow into the penis creates stronger, more sustainable erections. We can give note here too, to how much spinach can improve heart health. A concern for males and females alike! Folate, more directly increases blood flow to the genitals. Now, when thinking about only this one aspect (there are so many others) of how eating spinach can improve your health, imagine how good adding it to your diet daily will improve your over all well-being!

2. Coffee
For my Texas patients, family and friends... UT just did a study finding that guys who drink 2-3 cups of the good stuff a day (that is about 85-170 milligrams of caffeine and it can come from any source actually) are 42% less likely to develop erectile dysfunction compared to men who only have 7 milligrams daily. How does your daily stimulant help with preventing ED? Scientists think that caffeine triggers a series of reactions in that body that ultimately will increase blood flow down to the penis. Now here's where I begin to preach, more isn't't always better! If you tend to be an anxious person or have sleep issues, please, don't have more than 1-2 cups a day. Too much coffee or caffeine can have definite negative affects! And if you don't drink coffee, don't start! It's not as important to have in your diet as spinach or other items on this list are.

3. Bananas
Also, good for your heart and circulation is potassium and it's rich bananas! Potassium helps to keep sodium (salt) levels in the body, under control. It can stop your blood pressure from sky rocketing which reduces the risk of heart problems. Other great sources of potassium are oranges and coconut water, if your not one for bananas. It's circulatory benefits are why it made the list for healthy sexual function. Again, this is just as good for you girls as for the guys!

4. Tomatoes
It's been shown that there's an 18% lower risk of developing prostate cancer in men that eat at least 10 servings of tomatoes per week. Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that fights against toxins that cause DNA and cell damage prevalent, in all cancers. Studies have also shown that tomatoes can improve the shape of sperm in men who eat higher amounts of them. Improving sperm shape, improves how well they can swim and hit their target!

5. Hot Sauce
A recent study that came out of France found that the boys who like it spicy, tend to have higher levels of testosterone. The researches found a clear correlation between men who use more or use hot sauce more frequently than the guys who didn't't. The thought is the capsaicin in chili peppers is what causes this increase. It's also been found in animal studies that capsaicin enlarges sexual organs and reduces stomach fat. Now, it's also know that too much hot sauce spikes blood pressure. I haven't personally found any information on how much hot sauce has the affect of increasing testosterone. So as always, everything in moderation!

6. Watermelon
L-citrulline is an amino acid that can help make erections harder and watermelon is chock full of it! In the body, L-citrulline converts to L-arginine (a popular over the counter supplement for ED, I won't go into it here) which stimulates nitric oxide, a major chemical player in the development and maintenance of a healthy erection. The short is, eating watermelon will increase blood flow to the penis by encouraging natural chemical processes in the body. 

7. Ginger
Ginger is another tasty way to increase your bodies circulation and improve the health of your arteries. It has also been shown to increase testosterone levels and sperm viability. Eating about a teaspoon of ginger a few times a week is all it takes! Another major benefit of consuming ginger is improvement to your entire digestive system. It'll help settle and balance your stomach whether your suffering cramping, diarrhea or constipation. 

8. Pomegranate
Pomegranate juice more specifically, is what keeps blood flowing due to it's richness in antioxidants. It provides good blood flow to the penis as well as the prostate. Pomegranate juice is also recommended at 4-8 oz. daily to help reduce the chances of developing prostate cancer.

9. Green Tea
Green Tea contains catechins which are known to aid in the liver's ability to burn fat for energy. Awesome! Additionally, catechins kill off free radicals that cause damage and inflammation to blood vessels in turn, increasing blood vessels ability to transport blood. Catechins are another compound that too, will stimulate nitric oxide, the chemical involve in getting erections. Catechins will actually increase the size of blood vessels as well again, good for full body and mental health! Green tea is also a benefit to prostate cancer prevention!

10. Dark Chocolate
This one may seem more appealing to my ladies reading this but guys check this out, the cacao in chocolate increases serotonin levels, one of your mood boosting hormones. Higher serotonin levels reduce stress, arouse you desires and make achieving orgasm easier and more pleasurable. This holds true for men and women. This is one of the reasons dark chocolate is an aphrodisiac. Cocoa will also relax blood vessels and increase arterial flow. Both of these benefits are also why you'll see dark chocolate included among things to eat if your depressed. Now, I don't want my guys or gals tearing through an entire chocolate bar though! The calories and sugar aren't't worth it! A little goes a long way!


Finally, a few reminders. One, if you don't like one of the items on this list, that's ok! I'm giving your the information, you make the choices on consumption. That leads into two, don't over consume! Everything in moderation is a rule to stick too! Finally, these foods are truly good for every aspect of health for men, women and children!

Let's get and stay healthy everyone!


 3,000 years later, Cupping is the latest rage!


3,000 years later, Cupping is the latest rage!

Yes, cupping has been around that long and has been used by Oriental Medical Doctors, this includes Acupuncturists, all this time. And yes, it does work! We're currently seeing and hearing about it thanks to this years 2016 Summer Olympics!

Cupping is an extremely beneficial therapy. It serves to relieve aches and pains, improve circulation, release pathogenic heat and help regulate many of the bodies functions such as digestion, respiration, etc. A specialized "cup" commonly made of glass or plastic, is place on specific points throughout the body. Suction is then used to draw your skin up into the cups. Glass cups require fire, usually a lit cotton ball, to pull the oxygen out of the cup so that it creates suction against your skin. The plastic cups use a pump to do the same. You retain the cups anywhere from 2-5 minutes (some practitioners leave them up to 15 minutes).

Cupping doesn't hurt, it simply draws fresh blood into that area of your body, which facilitates cleansing and strengthening of your Qi (energy) and blood. Often, blood, lactic acid and other impurities or toxins, get stuck in certain areas of the body. This can happen in various ways from overuse of a muscle, injury, or sitting for long periods of time. The blood vessels in the skin are generally flowing freely so by pulling some stagnant blood and other components to the skin level, those impurities can now better be eliminated by the bodies circulatory system rather than continuing to cause problems at deeper levels.

The only draw back is that you'll have "cupping marks" or "hickey's" for a few days after cupping is done. You may see the word bruise used to describe these marks but this is not a proper term as the marks are not bruises. A bruise, by definition, is an injury appearing as an area of discolored skin on the body, caused by a blow or impact rupturing underlying blood vessels. No blow or impact occurs during cupping thus a bruise is not the result.

Cupping can be done alone or in conjunction with other therapies such as acupuncture, to have a deeper affect. It is a simple, painless method to help keep your body healthy and functioning at it's best. I absolutely advise that you only have it done by a licensed Acupuncturist or Oriental Medical Doctor! We are trained in cupping, we understand the uses and have a lot of practical experience with it even though it seems "easy to do". There's always inherent danger, especially when performing fire cupping. Your safest in the hands of a professional. You can come to me or look to me as a reference to find a qualified practitioner.

If the discoloration is bothersome, you can always apply arnica and take warm baths to help disperse the marks more quickly. Again, I strongly recommend you find a licensed Acupuncturist or Oriental Medical Doctor to do cupping for you. Contact me with any questions!

Please also, share the knowledge! It helps keep us all safe and healthy!


June is Men's Health Awareness Month!


June is Men's Health Awareness Month!

It comes just in time for the launch of Men's Health Acupuncture! A focused practice on my specialization in treating all the health concerns men face.

Joining me is Denise Zamaripa, a friend and colleague who's also been specializing in men's health too!

Please check out what we're all about on our website!

Today let's first, talk about the purpose of Men's Health Month. It is to raise awareness about the preventable health problems men and boys face, to encourage early detection and treatment of disease, and to educate everyone about the options in treatment out there for various health concerns men and boys may have.

Men's health is no longer a national concern but a global one, gaining attention in the furthest reaches of this planet! We consider this a great shift as too many men, too often ignore their health! There's a number of reasons for this from embarrassment to a lack of understanding what health issues guys do face to denial of a problem. But guys are starting to take action to become healthy and we want to facilitate that journey!

Now, let's look at some of the biggest health concerns men face:

  • Heart/Cardiovascular
  • Lung/Respiratory
  • Diabetes
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Prostate Issues - Cancer/BPH
  • Liver Disease
  • Excess Alcohol Consumption
  • Depression/Suicide
  • Unintentional Accidents

Unfortunately guys, the rate that men are passing away due to the above issues is much higher than it is for women. You can search online yourselves and see the staggering numbers men are suffering these conditions and issues. You must also know that for the most part, the above among other health problems, ARE PREVENTABLE!

You may not want to hear it but changing to and maintaining a healthy lifestyle including clean eating, exercise and stress management are all proven to lower your risk and in many cases, prevent the above issues. Now, we realize that such things as ED is not a "disease" or that unintentional accidents are just that, accidents but that doesn't mean you can't take steps to prevent or minimize your risks of falling victim to them! Also, none of us can avoid aging but we can do things daily that encourage healthy aging. 

We also can't do it all on our own! That's ok! You can ask for help guys! The assistance of acupuncturists, massage therapist, personal trainers, therapists, etc. can be paramount to improving your health! We are valuable professionals who have the expertise to help get and keep you healthy and enjoy yourself along the way! As Denise and I (Lisa) are acupuncturists and Master's of Oriental medicine, we use these modalities, as well as others, to facilitate wellness and manage disease, aiming to cure and prevent illness.

Stay tuned to our men's health blog at: or sign-up for our newsletter to learn more about health concerns guys face and other health related issues! You will also find most of the same information here!

We also love to hear back from the community! Email us at : or leave questions and comments! Or go right ahead and contact us to make an appointment! We have 3 offices around the Austin area, North, Southeast and Oak Hill!

Don't forget! Sharing what you learn could help someone find the healing they need or it could even save someone's life! This goes for you too ladies! Help the men in your lives you care deeply for!

Food for thought:

The 50 Best Foods to Eat for Your Sexual Health!
1. Spinach
2. Coffee
3. Bananas
4. Tomatoes
5. Watermelon
6. Ginger
7. Pomegranate
8. Green Tea
9. Dark Chocolate
10. Hot Sauce
11. Oats
12. Pine Nuts
13. Cherries
14. Wine
15. Catuaba
16. Salmon
17. Brazil Nuts
18. Potatoes
19. Maca
20. Carrots
21. Serrano Chiles
22. Pumpkin Seeds
23. .Chicken Breast
24. Celery
25. Liver
26. Eggs
27. Honey
28. Shiitake Mushrooms
29. .Grass-Fed Beef
30. Muira Puama
31. White Fish
32. Clams
33. Turkey Breast
34. Herring
35. Blue Mussels
36. Walnuts
37. Oysters
38. Fortified Cereals
39. Damiana Leaf
40. Greek Yogurt
41. Goji Berries
42. Yohimbe Bark Extract
43. Peanuts
44. Teff
45. Garlic
46. Broccoli
47. Peanut Butter
48. Avocados
49. Strawberries
50. Chili Peppers

Now, remember guys, there is such a thing as "too much of a good thing"! Everything in moderation is key! Too much of any of the above can cause problems too! Plus, diet and allergy restrictions always apply!

To check out the details of why these foods are good for you, visit:

Side note to the ladies!These foods are good for your sexual and hormone health too!

Finally, continue to follow Men's Health Acupuncture at: to learn in detail why these foods are great choices, get exercise advice, find out in-depth information on health concerns men and boys face, read posted articles and more!

Or subscribe to the Men's Health Acupuncture Newsletter! Go to: and wait for the pop-up to sign-up! Please, always share the knowledge!

Contact us directly too! Our email address is:


Could This Be You?


Could This Be You?

Are you or is anyone you know experiencing any of these following symptoms or conditions:

Confusion, dementia, falls, psychosis, insomnia, joint deterioration, heart attack, stroke, colitis, indigestion, headaches, uncontrolled bleeding, dizziness, fainting, vertigo, cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, muscle weakness, sarcopenia, skin conditions, breathing difficulties, kidney failure, wheezing, coughing, chronic pain, vision problems or even sudden death?

What's scary about these symptoms is that your prescription drugs could be causing these problems! These conditions are ALL possible side-effects of commonly prescribed drugs. You may even have these drugs in your medicine cabinet right now!

What infuriates me about these side-effects that aren't just side-effects but actual conditions, is in the Western world of medicine they'll be treated with other drugs that have more side-effects multiplying your problems 10 fold!! Literally, 10 fold. All too often prescribing drugs drugs & more drugs is Western medicines only available treatment. l see a problem with this!! Do you?

What's the solution? Get off your offending drugs. Slow, careful, observant withdrawal under the care of your physicians is a safe & effective way to start stepping to the most healthy, drug free you!! Drugs & surgery should always be last resort treatments. They do have their place in healthcare. Just know that most prescription drugs to do not work for most people most of the time. There are many studies to support this.

It is possible to take care of your health naturally & safely which means feeling your best. Maybe better than you've ever thought you could feel!! Seek out different solutions. Obviously, we promote acupuncture here as it's a safe & effective way to treat so many various conditions. Diet, exercise, meditation, massage, etc. are all other safe & effective ways to tackle most any healthcare concern!! Keep yourself & your practitioners informed & you will feel the best you ever could have imagined!!
