Are you or is anyone you know experiencing any of these following symptoms or conditions?
Confusion, dementia, falls, psychosis, insomnia, joint deterioration, heart attack, stroke, colitis, indigestion, headaches, uncontrolled bleeding, dizziness, fainting, vertigo, cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure, muscle weakness, sarcopenia, skin conditions, breathing difficulties, kidney failure, wheezing, coughing, chronic pain, vision problems or even sudden death?
What's scary about the above conditions is that your prescription drugs could be causing them. Medications your physician pretty freely gives out. These conditions are ALL possible side-effects of commonly prescribed drugs.
What infuriates me about these side-effects that aren't just side-effects but are actual conditions, is in the Western world of medicine, they'll be treated with other drugs that have More side-effects, multiplying your problems by 10 Fold!! For a lot of conditions the only treatment within the Western medical module is drugs.
What's the solution? Get off your offending medications. Slow, careful, observant withdrawal under the care of your physicians, is a safe & effective way to start stepping to the most healthy you!! Drugs & surgery should always be last resort treatments. Know that most prescription drugs do not work for most people most of the time.
It is possible to take care of your health naturally & safely which means feeling your best. Maybe feeling better than you've ever thought you could feel!! A life full of holistic approaches to your well-being, acupuncture, massage, yoga, meditation, diet & exercise will make you feel amazing!!!!